12 Ways to Rekindle Your Passion for Ministry (part 4)
24/08/20 Filed in: Pastor | Church Leadership

This is very much like rekindling ministry passion. The fuel is still there. The need is still there. A low heat is still there. But work needs to be done – attitudes, activities, methods, goals, etc. need to be shifted. In this final part of 12 Ways to Rekindle Your Passion for Ministry, we look at three more concepts that will help stoke up the heat.
10. Refuse Negative Self-Talk.
Earlier this year I started watching a YouTube series done by a young lady who hiked the first part of a long trail here in NZ. While I admired her tenacity in completing the difficult journey, I grew tired of her morning ritual of complaining about what she had gone through the day before and what she would have to endure in the day ahead. Matter-of-fact, I stopped watching her videos about a third into her journey because the counsellor in me wanted to keep interacting with the videos in a non-restful way. I did benefit from her videos though. She gave me a visual demonstration of the reality that even the most enjoyable activities can be spoiled by negative self-talk.“Self-flagellation”. This is a term introduced to me by a counselling mentor as he heard me describe my self-assessment. I wonder how many times we spoil ministry joys through self-flagellation. Yes, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” But constant negative self-talk is not necessarily a sign of humility. It actually may be a sign we are ignoring the gifts, skills, and abilities God has given us to do His work. May I suggest an alternative?
“I can’t, but God can through me.”
God has given you the opportunity to join Him in the work He is doing in your community. He has wired you to do the work He wants you to do. He has given you everything you need. Negative self-talk will hide who God has made you to be, so refuse to speak it or listen to it. Live to what God has designed you to be.
11. Repent of soul-crushing sin.
Leading people towards Christlikeness involves leading them away from self-serving sin. Confronting sinful attitudes, actions, and beliefs in your church family requires a great deal of personal fortitude. Some may use that kind of confrontation to justify leaving your church. Some may respond angrily and seek to force you out of the church. Confronting sin in these days is not for the faint of heart. It is doubly difficult if you are hiding the same sin you are confronting.Confidently knowing you are walking with the Lord in close fellowship because there is nothing between you and Him is one of the greatest life-giving elements you can have in ministry! Knowing that - even in the face of all kinds of struggles, trials, misunderstandings, and disappointments – you are in right relationship and walking with the Lord will give you a confidence that cannot be shaken. Is there any soul-crushing sin in your life? Is there anything you are holding onto that keeps you from ministry confidence? Repent of it and rekindle the joy of cleanliness before the Lord.
12. Recount the Gospel.
I know of a pastor who struggled with depression for a bit. One of the activities he found most helpful to him when he was in that emotional darkness was to share the gospel message with someone who needed it. Sharing this life-changing message reminds you of what is really important. Ministry is not about budgets, meetings, schedules, meetings, administration, building maintenance, meetings (did I already say that?). Ministry is about helping people find relationship with God and then helping them grow in that relationship. This is what God has called you to do! If your passion for ministry needs to be rekindled, this where you start. Add gospel fuel to your ministry fire. There is nothing that will rekindle your passion for ministry like watching someone get added to God’s family.So that completes my list of 12 ways to rekindle your ministry passion. Review the list. What are you doing well? What are doing but need to improve on? What do you need to restart right now? Why don’t you pray through this list and ask the Lord to show you what He wants you to see?
- Relax in your own humanity
- Revisit your calling
- Renew your soul
- Reorganise your schedule
- Rediscover your strengths
- Remember God’s promises
- Rehearse the blessings
- Refocus on the future
- Re-evaluate your relationships
- Refuse negative self-talk
- Repent of soul-crushing sin
- Recount the gospel