In the Pew
Pointy Ears

I think the biggest realisation I made in this brief reflection is that I have not heard over this last year, “Pastor, I missed the second point of your sermon.” I remember one lady in a church I used to pastor would quite often ask what the second or third point of my sermon was as soon as the service was over. However, she most often missed the point of the entire sermon as she continuously struggled to live the life Jesus calls us to.
So on this reflection I want to ask two questions:
Pastor: are you more focussed on delivering the points of your sermon or the Point of the passage?
Listener: are you more focussed on writing the points of the sermon on your paper or writing the Point of the passage on your heart?
Can I encourage you to take “Pointy ears” with you to church this weekend?
Maybe drop the pen and listen for the one thing God has for you… and then write that down.
Let’s make sure the Point overshadows the points.